“The more the merrier” is a challenging but true scenario for most events in life and yard sales are no exception. It is generally-accepted wisdom that sales marketed as “multi-family” get more attention from prospective buyers. But prepping for a successful, single-family yard sale can be daunting enough. How does one organize multiple groups and their sale items without chaos? Go2s is here with top tips and a stellar communication platform to help you plan a lucrative multi-family yard sale with as little stress as possible.


  1. Pick the best location. If you are a group of neighbors who live on the same block or two, your location is a done deal. If, however, you’d like to have a multi-family yard sale with scattered friends and family, choose the address with the best street traffic and visibility as your sale site.


  1. Organizing items by category is a sure-fire way to make it easier on buyers (and better for your profits). It is possible to mix together items from different sellers without losing track of who is owed what money when the sale is over. The key is color coding. Use a different color price sticker for each family and keep track of sale prices on a coordinating tally sheets.If you prefer to be paper-less, check out a garage sale cash register app such as Tally Sheet.


  1. Involve the youngest members of your group! They can man a small table with a few simple beverages such as bottled water, lemonade, or pop and bagged snacks such as cookies or chips. You may offer these items for free as an enticement to buyers, or you may wish to have older children sell them. It’s another revenue stream and a great lesson in customer service, merchandising, and money handling.


Finally, remember the number one tip for hosting a successful, multi-family yard sale: advance planning. Finding a date that works for everybody, deciding how to market your sale, sourcing enough tables and racks for optimal display, and keeping track of pre-sale expenses…all these tasks are critical to pulling off a good sale and all are easier to do with Go2s. Use Go2s tagging feature to designate your participants or start a group just for your sale. Then take advantage of Go2s’ discussion and help request features to keep track of each task that needs to get accomplished. Before you know it, you’ll have some newfound summer vacation money burning a hole in your pocket!