With the holiday season in full swing, there seem to be a million things happening at once. Throw some winter weather into the mix, and you have a recipe for chaos.  For teachers and childcare providers, staying in constant contact with parents is vital.

Keeping Parents “In the Know” About Weather-Related Schedule Changes

While kids usually look forward to snow days, they can make things complicated for parents. A dangerous drop in the mercury or a sudden onslaught of the white stuff can lead schools and daycare centers to open later in the day, dismiss students early, or cancel classes altogether. They need a way to give parents a heads-up without jumping through the hurdles of navigating multiple communication channels.

Imagine how much it would slow you down if you tried to contact people by phone, then sent out a group email, then perhaps typed out a quick text alert. All the while you’re wondering if you’re really reaching everyone in the timeliest manner possible, especially in this day and age when some people rarely use email anymore, and phone calls aren’t always answered. If schedules change or a situation warrants frequent updates, you have to start the process all over again.

And the challenges of phone tag and flooding inboxes extend beyond weather-related announcements. During the holiday season, schedules are typically jam-packed with parties, potlucks, school plays– you name it. Teachers and childcare providers need to inform parents about these events and follow up with reminders.

To stay on top of things, you’ll probably have to enlist the help of some of the members of your network to get the festivities off the ground. You may need to coordinate who’s bringing what to the class Christmas party, or who’s in charge of helping with costumes and set-up for the upcoming holiday play. That requires you to connect with smaller groups and keep them organized. Without the right communication tools, this can take more time and effort than it has to.

Go2s:  An App That Won’t Leave You Out in the Cold

Go2s is an app that can simplify your life– not just during the winter season, but all year long. Consider the advantages you’ll enjoy by making it your go-to platform for connecting with colleagues, parents, and others in your network:

One Platform Does It All

With Go2s, you can manage the complexities of communication from one platform, without jumping through hoops. When you send out information about school closings or other updates, parents can be alerted automatically via app notifications, emails, and text messages.

It’s Incredibly Easy to Use

Many of us don’t relish the idea of getting acquainted with a new app, especially if we have to pay for it. Downloading it and figuring out how to use it can be a chore– one we don’t have time for. One thing parents will really appreciate about Go2s is that they are not required to join the app. Of course, we strongly encourage it, because it’s free, there are no strings attached, and it allows parents to better engage with their network and community. But even if they don’t opt in, they can still receive important notifications via email.

You Control What Is Shared

As a teacher or childcare director, you’re probably also the administrator of your social network. At Go2s, we make it easy to seamlessly fulfill your role. How you share and manage information is entirely up to you. Don’t want to create the appearance of cliques in your network?  You can keep members from seeing who else is in the group. Tired of being inundated with comments and emojis every time you post? You can control that too– and more.

Possibilities for Connectivity Are Endless

We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that Go2s is for more than just improving communication between teachers and parents. It’s a popular platform for families who want to stay connected. It’s also great for sports associations, community organizations, and other groups that share common interests.

Don’t Get Snowed in by Communication Chaos

While unpredictable winter weather can leave you “snowed in,” trying to connect with your cohorts doesn’t have to. Now’s the time to streamline your communications before the worst of the cold and snow set in. If you’re prepared to keep tabs on your team now, when their lives are especially busy, just think how much easier it will be at other times of the year when things seem to settle down a bit.

Because Go2s makes privacy a priority, you can keep trusted friends, family, and colleagues in the loop without worrying about who else can see what you share. With all the challenges you’ll face this winter, connecting with your team shouldn’t be one of them. Discover how you can expand and strengthen your social network.  Sign up with us today.